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Dashboard details

2 min read

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On, you’ll see your estimated royalties to date, a list of payments made to you, and a real-time sales report listing all downloads of your tour. The sales report also shows how your customers downloaded your tour.

Understanding the dashboard #

If you aren’t sure what specific terms on your dashboard mean, you might find the following glossary useful.

  • Sales Price: The price paid for the sales in that row. If you have changed the price of your tour over time, the different prices will appear as different rows.
  • Royalty Percentage: Your royalty is calculated by multiplying this percentage by the list price minus app store fees.
  • Total Downloads: The total number of tour copies that have been downloaded at the specific sales price, including free copies, in-app sales, web sales, reseller sales, publisher vouchers, and open vouchers.
  • Promotional or Free Copies: Number of tour downloads from free tour coupon codes.
  • In-App Sales: In-app sales on the respective platforms. iOS and Android take a 30% commission from in-app sales.
  • Web Sales: Sales directly from the website. This revenue is split entirely between VoiceMap and the storyteller with no outside fees.
  • Reseller Sales: When a third party reseller, such as TripAdvisor or a museum for instance, sells your tour your royalties are awarded when the coupon code is used and the total number of codes used is counted here.
  • SWF Redemptions: Share with Friends redemptions, the number of times your tour has been downloaded using a share-with-friends code. At the time of writing, VoiceMap gives a royalty of $0.35 per SWF download.
  • Publisher Vouchers: When a storyteller purchases coupon codes from VoiceMap for resale, the total number of paid coupon redemptions is counted here.

A spreadsheet for estimating your revenue based on the various types of sales is available here.

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