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Publish your tour

2 min read

Once every location’s script and audio has been approved, and your final touches are complete, a button labelled Submit for Review will appear at the top right of the publishing tool. Click on that, and your tour will be submitted to our editors for a final once-over.

You’ll receive an email notification when that process is complete, and at that point you are three clicks away from publishing:

  1. Click on Accept Terms and Conditions. (You’ll find more information about these here.)
  2. A new window will appear, displaying the complete terms and conditions. Click on Accept. We’ll email you a PDF document with these terms when you do.
  3. The colour of the button labelled Publish will then change from grey to red, and you can now click on it. Your tour will be available for purchase and download immediately.

When you click on Publish, your tour goes out immediately, and from that point on, it’s available through either VoiceMap’s mobile apps or at

We hope it’s satisfying to see it there, and if you chose a compelling title and a striking cover image, and also made sure that the first three locations would captivate users who preview the tour, it probably won’t be long before you start to make your first sales. But the difference between our best-selling and worst-selling tours isn’t always the quality of the content. That often comes down to what you do next, when you start making sure you’re doing as much as other publishers to promote and sell your tour.

There are a few basics outlined in the next part of this tutorial, and it’s easy to get most of them right. The first is making your tour easy to discover in the first place, both on the web and in the App Store and Google Play. before converting the people who do discover it into buyers by overcoming any reservations they might have. Even if you rely on VoiceMap for discovery, you’ll need to convince people to spend money as well as precious leisure time on it – sometimes in competition with other VoiceMap tours in the same city.

After that, we’ll look at using social and printed media to promote your tour.

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